Appleton Greene & Co – Middle East

AGC Global – Middle East

AGC Global


“AGC Global – I have lived in Dubai for the past 20 years and have understandably witnessed many changes here during that time. Some of these changes have been for the better and some haven’t, but one always has to evolve in order to succeed and the same is true of business here. One of the most interesting changes has been the transformation from what was originally a protectionist attitude towards business, to a more progressive attitude towards globalization, which just so happens to be the subject of my consulting service, Global Transformation. This is why I joined Appleton Greene. Many businesses here are international companies with headquarters outside of Dubai and in order to reach or influence decision-makers you often need to look further than local representation. In addition to this, I have to practice what I advocate. Appleton Greene has helped me to open doors with global corporations that I would not otherwise have had access to. They also provide me with an international brand, which while my clients may not always have had first-hand experience of Appleton Greene, it gives them the confidence of knowing that there are considerable international resources behind me.”

A quotation taken from an Accredited Associate, Executive, or Senior Consultant, located in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. AGC Global

AGC Global

Abu Dhabi

“I joined Appleton Greene when I was working for BCG but I moved to Abu Dhabi when a major client offered me a project I could not refuse. I continued with Appleton Greene because they provided me with an international support structure and good quality business consulting opportunities and our relationship has developed from there. When my major project finally came to an end, I had established a good reputation here and I had already developed a group of clients through Appleton Greene. I was also happy to continue living and working in Abu Dhabi and have now planted my roots here. It has become my home. It is an ever-changing and vibrant city and my location here has definitely helped me to attract new business from Appleton Greene’s international clients. I have developed a good professional working relationship with Appleton Greene over the years, which I believe is mutually beneficial.”

A quotation taken from an Accredited Associate, Executive, or Senior Consultant, located in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. AGC Global

AGC Global


“There are a wealth of opportunities in Saudi Arabia and Appleton Greene has certainly helped me to make the most of them. I probably give as much business as I take from Appleton Greene because there are plenty of opportunities here. Having someone that I trust to introduce business to, is just as important to me as being able to receive new business, because one naturally feeds the other in my opinion. I earn more now from introduction fees than I do from consultancy fees, which is a really good way of supplementing your income base without having to utilize your valuable time. It is also the best way to make sure that you are at the top of the list when it comes to major projects. My clients view me as an international consultant, rather than a local consultant, because of my association with Appleton Greene and seeing the depth of international resources that I have to call upon when it is necessary to do so. Having other Appleton Greene consultants located in Middle-Eastern locations also helps when putting together integrated teams with a collective regional understanding. “

A quotation taken from an Accredited Associate, Executive, or Senior Consultant, located in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. AGC Global

AGC Global

Kuwait City

“I have worked internationally as a New Market Entry Business Consultant for many years now and have experience within emerging markets such as the Far-East, Africa and most recently the Middle-East. I have learned many things during my time with Appleton Greene, but by far the most important benefit for me has been the business development procedure they use. By procedure, I mean the Client Information Guide and the associated Bronze Service, Silver Service, Gold Service and Platinum Service Application Forms. Before Appleton Greene, I used to spend hours writing detailed consulting service proposals for individual clients, where I attempted to explain what I thought their key corporate objectives were and why or how my service would help achieve them. I would then spend hours trying to explain these detailed proposals to clients in such a way that they would all hopefully understand. It was exhausting! What the Appleton Greene Client Information Guide helped me to do was to develop one proposal that would suit all clients, based upon my own skills and experience. This inevitably gave my potential clients a much clearer understanding about my service and I have consistently improved this over the years with experience. The four service application forms then provide clients with optional entry levels, so that they can choose an entry level that they feel comfortable with and can upgrade or downgrade as and when required. You should never be afraid to downgrade your clients, it helps you to hold onto them instead of losing them altogether! This provides your clients with both the information and the tools to make their own decisions and act upon them. Brilliant!”

A quotation taken from an Accredited Associate, Executive, or Senior Consultant, located in Kuwait City in Kuwait. AGC Global

AGC Global


“Before I was associated with Appleton Greene, I was growing tired of short-term projects, short-term commitment and quick-fix expectations. Everyone wanted everything to happen yesterday and I felt as if I was morphing into a magician! I should have started each consultancy workshop with the words “And now for my next trick” and then proceeded to pull a rabbit out of my hat! I was therefore drawn to Appleton Greene because of what was clearly a more sustainable business model. Appleton Greene does not even enter into a consultancy assignment with a client, unless a contractual agreement for a minimum period of 12 months has been signed. This really appealed to me because I just do not believe that you can achieve anything in 5 minutes, unless you are Superman. What surprised me was that it appeared to be much easier to achieve long-term commitment from clients that was to achieve short-term commitment. I was astounded. I never considered the fact that long-term commitment actually gave clients with as much security as it did consultants and they tended to be more committed to implementing new business processes under such circumstances. Looking back, it was all just common sense really, but it can be difficult to see this sometimes when you are in the thick of it. We are constantly being told that the internet has influenced how quickly people expect things to happen. This is complete nonsense. Substance will always be preferred to speed and quite rightfully so.“

A quotation taken from an Accredited Associate, Executive, or Senior Consultant, located in Manama in Bahrain. AGC Global

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